Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Perfect Office Party Gift: The Cubicle Survival Guide

Let's face it. Most office party gifts are cheap and at best, only good for a laugh when you open them in front of your colleagues. Then what becomes of them? Not much. They're shoved in a desk drawer and disappear forever. They are set on a desktop and just add to the clutter of useless and uninspiring junk that drives you crazy and makes you less productive. But don't worry, The Cubicle Survival Guide is here!

What other gift could you purchase for $10 that would not only make the perfect office gift, but also actually serve a purpose for you and your office mates. As they hold it in their hands and flip through the pages, they'll stop and say "Oh, the office lamprey on page 124 is totally Alex." or "That part about the smelly food is Miranda... Here Miranda you need to read this, for the sake of all of us." Happy holidays!

And for you human resources managers that need an affordable and practical gift to give your colleagues, The Cubicle Survival Guide is available in both print and as an e-book.

Order your copy today!

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